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 English is the official language of the 2024 MDRT Top of the Table Annual Meeting.

Tips from the top

Adelia C. Chung, CLU, ChFC
Session Type:
Afternoon Session
First-Timer Attendee Session
Session Format:
Date of Session:
Thursday, September 26, 2024
Start Time:
2:30 PM
Start Time:
12:00 am
Afternoon Session
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Content Track:

How do top-performing advisors get started, pursue growth after success and continue looking toward the future? Three MDRT Past Presidents share their insights, achievements and lessons to help other members develop for today and tomorrow

Tips from the top

Adelia C. Chung, CLU, ChFC, Brian D. Heckert, CLU, ChFC, Randy L. Scritchfield, CFP, LUTCF & Stephen Kagawa, FSS, LUTCF
Session Type:
Afternoon Session
First-Timer Attendee Session
Session Format:
Date of Session:
Thursday, September 26, 2024
Start Time:
2:30 PM
Start Time:
12:00 am
Chung, Heckert, Scritchfield, Kagawa
Afternoon Session
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Content Track:

How do top-performing advisors get started, pursue growth after success and continue looking toward the future? Three MDRT Past Presidents share their insights, achievements and lessons to help other members develop for today and tomorrow

Tell your story to your chosen market

Adrian George, CFP, TEP
Session Type:
Afternoon Session
First-Timer Attendee Session
Session Format:
Date of Session:
Friday, September 27, 2024
Start Time:
1:15 PM
Start Time:
12:00 am
Afternoon Session
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Content Track:

What are best practices for writing a book about your chosen niche? George explains how to create a mind map, formulate a timeline and write your story, and ways to actively market the book to your niche and attract even more ideal clients.

How to write mega-cases

Alessandro M. Forte, FCII, CFP
Session Type:
Afternoon Session
First-Timer Attendee Session
Session Format:
Date of Session:
Friday, September 27, 2024
Start Time:
2:30 PM
Start Time:
12:00 am
Afternoon Session
No items found.
Content Track:

Find out how to identify opportunities in the high-net-worth market and communicate effectively with these in-demand clients. Forte shares how his tips can help you get new clients to understand the benefits of — and commit to — mega-premium insurance coverage and single premium investments.

Changing clients’ lives with the vision, commitment and action plan

Amanda Cassar, MFP, AFP
Session Type:
Main Platform
First-Timer Attendee Session
Session Format:
Top of the Table Speaks
Date of Session:
Friday, September 27, 2024
Start Time:
8:30 AM
Start Time:
12:00 am
Top of the Table Speaks
Main Platform
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Content Track:

Cassar shares how applying vision, commitment and action — the education methodology of The Hunger Project — can spark transformation for clients. She shares stories of people she met during her travels to Uganda, Malawi and India and how those experiences relate to this impactful strategy.

Tips from the top

Brian D. Heckert, CLU, ChFC
Session Type:
Afternoon Session
First-Timer Attendee Session
Session Format:
Date of Session:
Thursday, September 26, 2024
Start Time:
2:30 PM
Start Time:
12:00 am
Afternoon Session
No items found.
Content Track:

How do top-performing advisors get started, pursue growth after success and continue looking toward the future? Three MDRT Past Presidents share their insights, achievements and lessons to help other members develop for today and tomorrow

Elevate your business and your brand through social media marketing

Chad Willardson, AWMA, CRPC
Session Type:
Main Platform
First-Timer Attendee Session
Session Format:
Top of the Table Speaks
Date of Session:
Thursday, September 26, 2024
Start Time:
8:30 AM
Start Time:
12:00 am
Top of the Table Speaks
Main Platform
No items found.
Content Track:

Willardson started with zero clicks on social media per year and now generates 8 million clicks annually. Learn how to brand yourself on social media to maximize your impact, turn LinkedIn into a lead generation machine and grow your business exponentially.

How to exponentially grow your business while relaxing on the beach

Chad Willardson, AWMA, CRPC
Session Type:
Afternoon Session
First-Timer Attendee Session
Session Format:
Date of Session:
Thursday, September 26, 2024
Start Time:
1:15 PM
Start Time:
12:00 am
Afternoon Session
No items found.
Content Track:

Willardson spends most of the year travelling with family and friends and yet has grown his personal brand and turned social media into an incredible lead generation machine for his wealth management business. Starting with zero clicks and zero follows, he now generates north of 8 million clicks per year. Learn how to grow your business while keeping a high level of freedom and fun in your lifestyle.

Turn objectors into advocates

Chris George, CFP, TEP
Session Type:
Main Platform
First-Timer Attendee Session
Session Format:
Top of the Table Speaks
Date of Session:
Thursday, September 26, 2024
Start Time:
8:30 AM
Start Time:
12:00 am
Top of the Table Speaks
Main Platform
No items found.
Content Track:

George shares one question that can completely change the perspective of your prospects and clients. He explains why asking to send a copy of the planning to clients' accountant and other advisors generates trust, loyalty, higher cases and more referrals.

Extraordinary visions

Dewitt Jones
Session Type:
Main Platform
First-Timer Attendee Session
Session Format:
Date of Session:
Thursday, September 26, 2024
Start Time:
8:52 AM
Start Time:
12:00 am
Main Platform
No items found.
Content Track:

Where do we find the vision to take our life to the next level? How can we make our life less of a struggle and more of a joy? Jones explains how the creative tools he employed as a National Geographic photographer sparked both personal and professional growth that can help you access your own potential and turn problems into opportunities.

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